Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about our Fellowship program.

The Teach For Uganda (TFU) Fellowship is a 2-year full-time Teaching as Collective Leadership Fellowship Program designed to equip Fellows (graduates who join the program) with hands-on leadership and pedagogical skills. The program empowers them to become highly effective teachers and lifelong leaders deeply rooted in the communities they serve.

TFU recruits Uganda’s top university graduates from all disciplines and professions to undergo intensive training before being placed as full-time teacher leaders (Fellows) in high-need Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools across under-served communities. Fellows are committed to improving the learning and life outcomes of underprivileged children by enhancing foundational literacy and numeracy skills, especially among early grade learners (P.1-P.3).

The program provides a unique opportunity to develop young leaders who serve as role models, inspiring children in marginalized communities to stay in school and pursue their dreams. Throughout the two-year Fellowship, participants gain transferable leadership skills, empowering them to drive change both within and beyond the classroom, while promoting equity in the communities they serve. The TFU Teaching as Collective Leadership Fellowship nurtures leaders who champion long-term transformation as Education Leaders, Social Entrepreneurs, or Community and Policy Influencers.

We believe that in two years, Fellows would have honed the necessary skills to go out and end educational inequity having experienced it firsthand in these schools. During the first year of the Fellowship, Fellows hone their teaching skills while establishing respect and trust among various stakeholders within the school community and the students.

In the second year, Fellows engage in sustainable community impact projects to create a lasting change in the communities they serve while teaching and prepare themselves for life after the Fellowship as Education Leaders, Social Entrepreneurs, or Community and Policy Influencers.

During the two years, Fellows work to transform the lives and learning outcomes of underprivileged children while advancing their own leadership growth across three distinct pathways.


TFU Fellowship is open to all graduates from all academic backgrounds

We understand that the challenges in the education sector cannot be solved by only teachers. Therefore to create lasting change in the education system, there is a need for collaboration from across all academic backgrounds.

During our training programs, Fellows are equipped with essential pedagogical knowledge and skills to effectively facilitate classroom learning. They are also developed into future Education Leaders, Social Entrepreneurs, and Community and Policy Influencers.

For Graduates & Refugees He/ She must:

  • Be citizen of Uganda who is 30 years and below.
  • Be a refugees who is 35 years and below.
  • Have attained at least a bachelor’s degree in any discipline of study.
  • Have achieved a minimum CGPA of 3.0 and above.

  • Commitment and passion to our mission of ending education inequity in Uganda.
  • A track record of demonstrated leadership and outstanding achievement.
  • Passion for the fellow to invest his/her time in teaching the thematic curriculum and developing his/her leadership skills.
  • A self-starter who will and can thrive on the challenges of working in a rural environment.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to listen, motivate and influence others.
  • Excellent problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
  • Strong organizational and planning ability.
  • Perseverance and resilience in the face of adversities.
  • Empathy and an appreciation for diversity.
  • A future in joining policy influencing or social entrepreneurship and corporate leadership or education leadership.


Once you excel at assessment, you will be invited to join our intensive residential training institute, you will be exposed to our unique sessions in which you will be equipped with leadership skills, and receive teaching pedagogy training.

Before you hit the classroom you will get to interact and network with your peers with whom you will collectively work with to transform the future of Uganda's education.

At the Training Institute, Fellows are exposed to the thematic curriculum, scheming, lesson planning, classroom facilitation, student assessment and are groomed to take on a path of Education Leadership or Social Entrepreneurship or Community and Policy Influencing.

The main purpose of Training Institute is to empower the Fellows with the relevant knowledge and skills necessary to successfully complete the 2 years Fellowship program.

Our fellows teach full-time in UPE schools. As a teacher-leader, you'll be responsible for your students; set high expectations for your students, build a culture of achievement in the classroom, design and deliver effective lesson plans tailored to students’ learning needs, and provide one-on-one mentorship.

In your 2nd year, you will research, and collaborate with the community to plan and implement a sustainable project in the school community.

During the 2 years of the fellowship program, our Fellows focus on the learning outcomes of children in lower classes of P1, P2, and P3.

Fellows focus on teaching literacy and numeracy as well as imparting the learners with 21st-century skills. We believe these are critical foundation skills that accelerate comprehension skills for learners at an early stage.

No, Fellows are expected to teach both Numeracy and literacy lessons.

During the Training Institute, Fellows are trained to become effective teacher-leaders for literacy and numeracy and are also empowered with skills on how to impart their learners with 21st-century skills.

Throughout the training period, continuous assessments are conducted to assess the competence levels of the fellows in the above learning areas to ensure that they are fully equipped to teach both Literacy and numeracy lessons.

At the school level, the headteacher assigns the Fellows which particular class(es) to teach based on the needs of the school.

No! You can't choose where to be placed for your Fellowship.

Teach For Uganda places you in the selected schools based on the assessments by the Training and Support department.

In these selected schools you will be paired up with government Teacher(s) who will remain in their schools where they are posted by the government.

Teach For Uganda runs its Fellowship program in high-need UPE schools across Uganda. Our current areas of Operation are Central, Eastern, and Western Uganda.

The Training & Support team places Fellows in selected schools at the end of their Training Institute.

Yes, it's a full-time position that requires commitment.

Teach For Uganda does not provide accommodation for Fellows during their Fellowship term.

However, Teach For Uganda works with partner community stakeholders to provide basic and safe accommodation for the graduate Fellows preferably near the school.

The government teachers are expected to continue to reside in their current places of residence.

No, it is not a job.

Through the fellowship, you’ll be supporting underprivileged children from low-income communities to transform their lives and learning outcomes to fulfill their potential.

While the fellowship is a full-time opportunity, it provides you with an unmatched sense of fulfillment. the skills, diverse rich network, and experiences encountered during the fellowship are the best reward a fellow ought to look out for.

We however modestly facilitate our fellows to smoothen their various undertakings during the fellowship.

  • A lifetime opportunity to shape Uganda's future.
  • Cutting-edge global training in leadership, and innovative and gender-responsive teaching methods.
  • Connection and opportunity to learn from a global “Teach For” organizations network of fellows, alumni, and leaders spanning over 60 countries and 6 continents.
  • Access to mentorship, coaching from leadership development coaches, and other personal development and growth opportunities.
  • An opportunity to build a foundation for many different career opportunities in the future.
  • Opportunity to be part of the TFU Alumni Association that continues your journey to advocate for education.

After the Fellowship, Fellows graduate into our Alumni Program.

In the Alumni program, the alumni receive continued support as they take on roles in both public and private sectors in 3 major pathways of policy influencing, social entrepreneurship, and education leadership all working collectively with other stakeholders to end education inequity in Uganda.

No, you can't rejoin the Fellowship after completion.

We are building a movement of change leaders to transform the lives and learning outcomes of underprivileged children.

After the fellowship, we expect Fellows to join our Alumni Program and network with like-minded leaders committed to the collective mission of ending education inequity in Uganda.

After the Fellowship, Teach For Uganda provides Fellows with a certificate of completion of the Fellowship at the graduation ceremony and an opportunity to join the highly prestigious Teach For Uganda Alumni Association which comes with unfathomable privileges and opportunities.